Blitz (594/640)

From:James L Boyd
Date:26 Sep 99 at 13:14:50
Subject:Re: RED Commodities

Roger Light churned out *this* drivel:

> I'm using the RED Commodities library from the BSS in my program, but each
> time I use msg.l=CommodityEvent, I get an enforcer hit. Is this a problem
> with the library or am I possibly missing something out? MakeCommodity was
> successful.

Don't know anything about that stuff... :)

> Another thing - why does this code generate an enforcer hit?
> repeat
> wait
> winEvent.l=Event
> gosub HandleIDCMP
> until winEvent=$200
> If I put another wait before the repeat, then there is no enforcer hit.

No hits here (this is what I tested) :


FindScreen 0

Window 0,0,0,640,100,$20140f,"",1,2

Gosub HandleIDCMP
Until winEvent=$200




I'd suggest that you had the debugger on, but you say the hit's cured
by a second Wait command, so I'm not sure why you should get hit when I
don't...maybe whatever's in your HandleIDCMP section is doing it?

See ya,

James L Boyd -

Member of Team *AMIGA*, and *Dogbert's New Ruling Class.*

Connected from Dundee, Scotland.


But what is all this fear of and opposition to oblivion? What
is the matter with the soft darkness, the dreamless sleep?
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